Unpacking hours of work, including reasonable additional hours, flex work and the right to disconnect

Event Details

Wednesday 7 August 2024 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

The late Steve Jobs said, "It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." This quote highlights one of the most pressing workplace topics at the moment: time management. COVID-19 saw the blurring of boundaries between home and work, as well as hours of work, as people responded to the challenges presented by the pandemic. Post-pandemic, researchers have observed that people are feeling more exhausted than ever, with surveys revealing alarming levels of burnout and stress.

Although concerted attempts are being made to draw boundaries to try and achieve a better life/work balance, particularly through flexible working arrangements, the dilemma remains that the job still needs to be done. Hiring additional staff isn't always an option. It's a complex issue, and some recent cases have demonstrated the difficulties with this area of workplace regulation. Additionally, with the new right to disconnect coming into operation on 26 August 2024, which the ACTU has labelled as "not just desirable but necessary," it is important that these issues are on your radar.

Join members of the VGSO's Workplace Relations and Occupational Safety team for a webinar on Wednesday, 7 August 2024, from 1 - 2 pm as we unpack this topic and its implications for the Victorian Public Sector, including:

  • burnout and high job demands: implications from an OHS and duty of care perspective
  • additional hours: what are reasonable additional hours
  • the latest on flexible work
  • the right to disconnect.

We will also touch on relevant provisions in legislation, the VPS Enterprise Agreement, as well as relevant case law.

The session will qualify as 1 Substantive Law point for CPD purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there.
