
VGSO legal training

VGSO provides a variety of legal training and tailored workshops for Victorian Public Sector employees. These are designed to meet Continuing Professional Development requirements for practising Government Lawyers.

Our core training offerings include:

  • Whole of Victorian Government Legal Induction Program
  • essentials for the VPS workshops
  • lunchtime round table forums

The WoVG Legal Induction Program provides those who are new to the Victorian Public Sector with the essential knowledge and skills to perform their roles as government lawyers and public servants. At present, this program is delivered live online, over four half days, in a small group environment. Visit our WoVG Legal Induction Program page to find out more.

Tailored workshops

As part of the Victorian Public Sector we understand your operating environment and aim to deliver training sessions that draw upon our legal expertise and understanding of government. We are able to develop tailored training to meet your department or agency's specific needs, and budget. For more information on the subject areas offered or to organise a tailored proposal, email: marketing.team@vgso.vic.gov.au.

Who can attend?

VGSO seminars and training sessions are exclusively available to members of the Victorian Public Sector (VPS). To check if you're eligible, email marketing.team@vgso.vic.gov.au.

Can I register to receive invitations

Yes! If you're new to the VPS or do not currently receive our event invitations via email, you can subscribe.

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