Through the looking glass: An insight into coronial inquests and investigations

In this bulletin, we recap how coronial investigations and inquests are conducted in Victoria and provide responses to questions posed by the audience during our recent seminar.

29 Sept 2021

Coronial inquests and investigations were the subject of the VGSO's monthly seminar in September and we were delighted to be joined by State Coroner Judge John Cain (former Victorian Government Solicitor) and Professor Noel Woodford, Director of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. In this bulletin, we recap how coronial investigations are conducted in Victoria and provide responses to some questions posed during the seminar.

Key information - Coronial inquests and investigations

Three practical tips for the conduct of coronial investigations and inquests

Q&A – answers to audience questions

Contact our team

Sara Dennis
Assistant Victorian Government Solicitor

Jessica Johnson
Special Counsel

This bulletin has been prepared with contributions from the State Coroner, Judge Cain in answering the audience questions.

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